Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Little About Me

My name is Tristan Hobbs, I am a Christ follower and a student at Auburn University. When I was five I began a personal relationship with Christ.Throughout the early years of my life I loved learning about God and what he had done for me. When I was 11ish my family moved from Albany, Georgia, where I had grown up, to Tallahassee, Florida; this transition was very hard for me and I struggled making new friends. At some point while trying to make new friends I lost that love for God that I originally had. After three years in Tallahassee, my family once again moved, this time to Dothan, Alabama. Although my new classmates were very accepting, I still had not regained a love for Christ and I was not living for him. It was not until my senior year of high school that I began a journey to find and regain a passion for Christ; Three knee surgeries and the influence of my youth pastor, Lloyd Blank, had brought me to the realization that I was not being a reflection of Christ and that I had allowed other things to be more important than my relationship with Christ. I came into my first semester of college on fire for God, but it was like I ran into a brick wall. I was doing terrible in almost all of my classes and I  began to wonder if I was in the right major. I like to be in control and to know what the plan is and struggling in my classes and not knowing what I was supposed to do with my life caused me to stress out and become depressed. Although I still had not given control of my life to God, he still gave me a desire to return to Costa Rica, to serve as a missions intern with 6:8 Ministries, for two months. A few weeks into my second semester at Auburn, God began to work on my heart. I soon realized that I could not control my life, and so I finally gave God complete control over my life. Soon things began to start really moving and God continued to reveal Himself and His plan for my life to me. About a week after relinquishing control God gave me a burning passion for international missions. Although I do not know where yet, I do know God has called me to go and that is enough for now. Once I knew what I am supposed to do I still had to figure out what path (college major) I was going to take to get there. After seeking advice from my parents and advisors at Auburn and much prayer I have decided to stay at Auburn and enter the Interdisciplinary Studies Program which will allow me to design my own degree and the classes that I will take, which is perfect for "tent making" missionaries. As Michael Catt would always say, "God is good all the time and all the time God is good!"

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ please scroll to the bottom of the page where you can find out how to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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