Monday, June 6, 2011

But if Not

     The Friday before I left for Costa Rica, I received an email from Auburn University stating that my scholarship was being revoked. I wasn't really shocked by it, as I've stated in "A Little About Me" I didn't do so great in my first semester of college, but it was still pretty devastating as it was the only way I had been able to attend Auburn. After spending a couple of days stressing over it I began to pray about it (more than a little bit backwards prayer should be first). My first few prayers were "Why me? I've been following Your plan." Of course then the Holy Spirit convicted me and I realized I didn't even deserve to live much less to receive a higher education. So often followers of Christ, especially in the United States have a sense of an entitlement, when in reality we aren't entitled to anything except for eternal condemnation in hell. How often have you asked God "why me?" when something terrible happens? Before I go any further I think its important to point out the difference between asking why and asking why me. There is nothing wrong with asking God why something happened as He tells us that everything has a reason; however, where we get into in trouble is when we start asking "Why me? I don't deserve this!"
     The first thing we need to remember when something happens is that God is still in control and always will be. God did not have to send Christ to die on the cross in order that we would have a way to heaven, in fact, He could have just ended things after Adam and Eve messed things up in the Garden of Eden, that is what I would have done. Somewhere in the history of Christianity we forgot about this and decided that we are entitled to a comfortable life, when Jesus never once said that following Him would be easy. We have become an extremely man-centered society instead of one that is solely focused on God. Sure, we give God some glory when we get a huge blessing, but that is similar to throwing a dog a milkbone after it rolls over; what happened to Solo Deo Gloria, to God alone be the glory? Instead we take credit for the good and then question God when something not according to our plans happens. Have we forgotten who God is, you know, the Creator of everything, the Sustainer of life, Jehovah-Jireh God our Providor, I could go on but hopefully you've gotten the point, it definitely isn't about us.
     Think about what society would look like if instead of focusing on ourselves we devoted ourselves to God. Next time you start to question God, remember who you are talking to and remember that you are nothing and deserve nothing but hell. When we come to God in prayer we should first check the condition of our heart, praise God, and confess any sin and plead for forgiveness and then make our request which should never be a demand (we don't deserve anything remember) and if you really have given control over to God you will have no problem praying "but if not God I will still serve and love You." After I realized the error of my prayers this is what I immediately did and let me tell you there is nothing like the peace that comes from knowing that the same God that holds everything together is in control of your situation.

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will be there for all time.
2 Chronicles 7:14-16

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ please scroll to the bottom of the page where you can find out how to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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